{This is a Guest Post written by my sister. I would like to completely disavow the following damnable lies.}
My Brother, or the Once and Future King, as I affectionately call him, has been the most influential person in my life. He is ten years my senior and as such has had the privilege, nay the duty to instruct and mold me into the perfect protege. When that didn't work out he settled with having a doting audience. He has been there for the most wonderful and often embarrassing moments of my life. On this the 13th year of his rebirth we celebrate and give thanks for his presence in our lives. I give you in no particular order:
13 memories with Hyperion

My brother Hyperion has taught me all I know about movies. He taught me how to take medicine and came between me and disaster countless times. He has helped me learn how to cook and bought me the stuffed animal I prize above all other possessions. He is my teacher, support system and partner in crime. He is my idol. He is my hero. He is my Hyperion. Go get your own.
Sniff Sniff
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