#7 Some of the greatest cooks on Earth
#6 They can be very loud
#5 Dark Wavy hair
#4 Exotic Skin
#3 Did we say….passionate?
#2 Fiery Tempers. (Seriously: you all know how long I’ve been looking for a woman who might get angry enough to stab me. You know the saying, “a homicidal woman is hard to find.” Thank God for Portuguese Chicks.)
and the number one thing about Portuguese Women
#1 Curves, Curves and more Curves (three words: Boo Ty Licious)
Heck yeah that's right!!!!!!!
so so true... I think Portuguese women are some of the most attractive and passionate women on this planet, and they're not even known for that! Everyone talks about Italian beauties.. Surely they've never been to this country!
Greets from a foreign admirer
so exotic and sexy!!
the language.. so hot
Anonymous Portuguese Lovers - Anyone who wants to help me on a follow-up list, email me!
My grandfather is portuguese and i inherited all the traits... I have long dark brown hair, brown almond shaped eyes, full lips, olive colored skin tone...people ALWAYS ask me what my heritage is. And the funny thing is, is that I DO have a temper!! And I am very passionate...I actually have family in portugal because my great grandfather had another family over there before he came to America, when they met me for the first time the said I looked portuguese right away.
é hiperion, atina lá lol
Sou Portuges vivo nos Estados Unidos tenho40 anos numca teve uma relacao sexual com uma Portugesa hoje acho que a portuga e a mulher mais bela do mundo e um caracter que ademiro muito espero um dia ter a felicidade de passar o resto da minha vida o lado de uma TUGA!!!
The most amazing woman I ever met is Portuguese! Such a beauty!
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After 5 years i dont know how i have landed here...anyways i i'll give my opinion.
Im a portuguese man so im qualified to speak about this.
7.They are one of the best cooks on earth...i agree.
6.They can be very loud like any other women.
5.Dark wavy hair...thats debatable. Portuguese women mostly have brown straight hair...some have it lighter and some have it darker. It also depends on hair styling.
4.Exotic skin...well i dont get the meaning of that. Portuguese women skin is like any other southern european women...that is white. Some look darker because of our sunny climate.
3.Passionate? well i dont really know what that means....women in central and northern europe are much more crazy at parties...
2.Fiery Tempers. Like any other women.
1.Curves...i agree and i love them. But portuguese women are also shorter.
Portuguese MACHO,
I am also a Portuguese man, and now live in Britain in a pretty international city. Just a couple of things:
> 4.Exotic skin...well i dont get the meaning of that. Portuguese women skin is like any other southern european women...that is white. Some look darker because of our sunny climate.
Skin colour is white, right. But it is southern white, not the bleached white that you see in the north of europe, that looks terrible.
> 3.Passionate? well i dont really know what that means....women in central and northern europe are much more crazy at parties...
true. They are definitely crazier. But craziness isn't the same thing as passion. Passion is about strong emotion, and they are much more. Girls in the UK at least seem much more superficial, all about showing off their bodies in the parties and acting crazy in public. It's a totally different style. Portuguese women seem much more reserved, actually much more difficult to reach. But this is what makes a woman charming. And then, they take much more emotion into what they do indoors ... ;-)
1.Curves...i agree and i love them. But portuguese women are also shorter.
well, yeah, they are shorter, but that also enhances the curves. As my Brazilian friend says, women around here (northern europe) look like they have forgotten their "bundas" at home. Between a tall woman with a straight butt and no hips and a short curvy one, I'll go (definitely!) for the second. =)
Romanian,russian and polish womens are the beauties of Europe :-)).Beautiful womens from Portugal are mixes between portuguese and brasilians and the genuine ones are ugly and fats.
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Curves, Curves and more Curves (three words: Boo Ty Licious) softmod Wii | how to softmod Wii
It was wonderful reading on this topic. I liked how you looked at all points and gave opinions on each. it's hard to find someone who writes like this anymore.
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hello from genuine portuguese woman!
- not everyone is dark, there is some variation, you tend to find fairer-skinned people in the northwest, due to our celtic ancestry (i am portuguese blonde!)
- curves, definitly - in comparison with non-southern europeam women. i am proud of my hips, waist and prominent bum:) but if you talk to someone from cape verde pr angola they'll tell you portuguese women have flat bums, so it´s really relative
- great cooks! that´s so true. eating either as nurturing yourself or your loved ones and friends is a big thing. we looooove spending hours aorund the table, and taking breaks for 2nd or 3rd rounds!
- passionate, yes! not in dramatic mediterranean style, remember we're atlantic, not mediterranean. i guess we're more reserved, but with lots of intensity underneath.
- i am definitely very proud for being a portuguese woman!
go see the hottest portuguese :)
I live in Switzerland - have done for about six years now - and every time I see a beautiful, gorgeous woman with the loveliest face imaginable - she's ALWAYS Portuguese!! They just seem to be so heartachingly lovely...
This excellent post assited me very much! Bookmarked the website, very excellent topics just about everywhere that I read here! I like the info, thanks.
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A Portuguese woman is brunette or blonde.
Has brown eyes, hazel eyes, green eyes and blue eyes.
They are 5 ft tall and are also 6ft tall.
They have round saucer eyes and also almond shaped eyes.
Their skin is fair and can sunburn easily and also olive tone and can tan beautifully.
They have thin lips but also full lucious lips.
They have small button noses and also long narrow noses.
They either have big chests or big hips or big butts.
They are a variety of all connecting European nations.
They mhavw northern European features and mediterranean features. They are loud and are humble.
They are sassy and they are reserved.
They are stubborn and they are patient.
They are good cooks and they are divas.
What they all have in common is a very strong sense of family bond, and nationalists.
Doesn't matter if they are native Portuguese, immigrants, first generation or second generation, they will always claim their Portuguese heritage.
Portuguese women are among the most beautiful women in the world be they shirt, tall ,fair or tan. They are just Portuguese. So portugesa, e so!
That's right... There's nothing like a Portuguese beauty...
Everybody is talking about east european and italian but because they must never been before to this small and lovely country!
I think Portuguese people are among the most beautiful in this planet... And women... OMG they cook soooo well, they have that perefct color and perefct curves. They are fire in bed! Trust me... They do things you never imagine you would do before! And they are different from the East European... because in East they just don't move in bed... But Portuguese is FIRE!!! I dated a portuguese woman for 3 years... she left me... I was almost killing myself... she was so incridble... brunette, big green eyes, sense of humor, good in kitchen better in bed... I miss her so much!
Hi, everyone!I was very pleased when I saw this article about Portuguese women...I'im a portuguese woman myself and I can tell you the majority of women I know(me included) are trustworthy, down to earth,nice, polite and serious.
But of course there are good and bad people as anywhere else!
As fas as cooking goes I'm not an excellent cook, but I love to taste Typical portuguese pastries like cream custad pie(pastel de nata).I love to make some desserts too.Physical appearance?I have olive skin, brown eyes and long wavy hair.I'm 1'65 tall and have long legs.I think beauty is relative ...it's on the eyes of the beholder...
Besides, I think Portuguese women are romantic and deep,prefering meaningful relationships to one night stands.But there's always the exception(s)....
I think this is so funny because I'm a portuguese woman and that firey temper describes me perfect! Haha love it.
Portuguese women. Most are challenging, clever, stubborn, and good-hearted, friendly, down to earth, with a good sense of humor. They can be very beautiful in a natural way. Exotic features. Little make-up. No artificial hair coloring. Simple but sexy dress. They are good lovers, and very good kissers. Everything they do is with passion and spice, but understated in public, unlike other latinas. What you get in bed is the icing on your cake. They can be spoiled in bed, too, because portuguese men are said to be very good lovers as well. But a portuguese woman won't let you feel less than amazing. They have good values. They might be shorter, yes, but does mere height detract from beauty and sex appeal? You won't notice, because they have a strong presence even without saying as much as a word. Certainly many northern european women are easily noticeable, strikingly beautiful, and party hard. But that is of no comparison to sensual, intense, private sexuality. A portuguese woman is not shallow, promiscuous, mechanical or run of the mill. She is an experience you want more of and will find difficult to forget. Granted, as always, exceptions do exist.
You guys are NUTS! Either that or you're thinking of Brazilian women, like the one in the picture at the top of the page. Portuguese women, although some have great bodies, tend to be "Butter Faces". I mean there are some exceptions and you'll find an attractive Portuguese woman, but for the most part, the have very manly features and look bad from the neck up.
You guys are all delusional.
Sure, the majority of Portuguese women look good. But hell, I am a Portuguese man 100% and over 30 years old, and never had sex with a Portuguese woman (Only with foreign women).
...and why, you may ask?
1 - They are moody all the bloody time, and way too serious. Northern Europe women are a lot more fun to be around, and are not shallow. Which brings me to my next point...
2 - Most Portuguese women are way too shallow and too picky over their man. They want men to have big muscles and be pretty boys.
3 - They are materialistic. They go with a guy out of interest. Whether its money, free weed, possessions, or a flashy, shiny car.
4 - They are way too reserved and think the world of them selves. (F***in hell honey. You're not the only woman in the world with a vagina. There are over 15 billion other women. You're not special.)
5 - Way too difficult to get them laid. You need to grinding for a month or 2 before getting any action. (Darling, you have to die someday too, life is too short for that)... and forget about one night stand... it's a no no for Portuguese women.
So what is the point of having something, just to look at?
Portuguese women are pointless.
I would rather spend a night on the PlayStation than with a Portuguese woman, cause if I am going to have to grind, and having to listen to rattling... might as-well be the sound of changing a munitions clip, or the car wheels while doing that tight curve.
I am a portuguese woman but I was raised in Arizona so my skin is a little darker but all the other characteristics are correct :) not so much the temper but then again I was raised iin a very gentle and loving atmosphere so there is no need for me to get a temper...
Im a portuguese women living in the uk, i am very proud of my curves, my ability to cook, my dress sence (sexy, not vulgar) not getting drunk till i can hardly walk, not having one night stands, and not acting promiscous in public but... That does not mean i cant have a gud time both outside and inside closed doors ;-) i am not shallow in terms of material possessions but obviously any girl likes pretty boys haha yes i have a temper but im honest too, and i think the majoraty of portuguese women r like me, and i respect them for that. As for the "crazy party girls" gud for them, but gud luck in finding a bloke that wants to have a relationship with them and not fear of being cheated on!! I think i ll keep my curves, temper and moodiness thank u :-) make love not war!!
Sad sad little portuguese man.. U have nooooo idea what u r missing on lol but hey more to the english man to enjoy!!! I know im a portuguese women living in the uk, and yes they have to "grinding" but man, i am worth it and iam special!! They always come back for more haha still no.one night stands and iam a hot portuguese 30 year old women and i love it!!! :-*
Portuguese Woman
No way to compare women that is not fare and there are lots of "variances". But talking about the good characteristics? well, depends on the man, their values, their background of course. I am a Portuguese woman, I can say I was never running after man but focused on self-realization. They say I was super gorgeous (like Elizabeth Taylor) kind of, (those eyes)petit but perfect body with everything the right size on the right place. PORTUGUESE PEOPLE MAN OR WOMAN HAVE THE MOST MELANCHOLIC EYES EVER, GENTLE EYES, LOOK AT THE EYES YOU LOOK AT THE SOUL. I am calm, don't like aggression of any form, gentle, super passionate and affectionate. I always had high values, family values, spiritual values. If men wants to have something "easy" lots out there boys.... Go for it, but you will only find "lonely heart" after the fire goes out..If you want a companion, a friend for life, dedicated to the best on both of you, and good mother for your kids to help you grow in life? That is always hard to get. What is truly good is hard to get, wake up guys.
Good Luck, I admire the Portuguese Women of the past hard workers, dedicated, incredible Mothers and wives. Congratulations Portuguese Women. Today? I visited Portugal and the Women are getting taller, more and more feminine and gorgeous.... Please value what you have at home men. Of course you will be attracted to the opposites, but does not mean that is the best for you at the end.
I am Portuguese and Russian a ticking time bomb when temper flairs.
My friend you're so right... Thumb up for this article, it's fantastic bro! ��
I wish I could send you my picture. I'm all Portuguese, like 100% and am 1.70, green eyes and darkish hair. People always ask me if I'm from eastern European heritage, I honestly feel offended when they do.
I wish I could send you my picture. I'm all Portuguese, like 100% and am 1.70, green eyes and darkish hair. People always ask me if I'm from eastern European heritage, I honestly feel offended when they do.
I wish you could send me your picture too! No one has ever offered that before.
I'll add it to my Google account or I can send it by mail if you have one. My bf said the same. He always tought portuguese woman had moustaches were short and all the other stereotypes. My eyebrows are quite tick but taking that those stereotypes are just that. Also I do not have a big a*s. I'm skinny af.
You can always email me about any of my websites in the Hyperion Empire family at hyperionempire@gmail.com - if you want, I will replace the picture I have with yours
Sent pls check if you got it
Joana why do you get offended? Some people have troubles with different race.
Lol my dad is Portuguese and my mum is Portuguese from Madeira, I was born in london and live here I'm not the tallest, but I have long dark hair and eyes curves I wouldn't say I'm dark skinned but I'm not pale either more of an olive complexion I am proud to be Portuguese heritage! But may I add that I think women in general are beautiful creations and amazing to the eye but better than eye candy your heart and soul should determine your beauty. X
Well said.
May I also add that I can tell by your avatar that you have a beautiful...um...heart and soul. :)
Lol 😊💫
Also, I'm now thinking of moving to London
The woman in picture aint even Portuguese, though...
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