June 5, 2006

Pirate Movies

Ajax sent in his list of best pirate movies. I was a bit perplexed by some of his omissions, but Ajax explained that he was pretty rigorous that the film had to be about pirates in a significant way. (And except for his bizarre obsession with Tommy Lee Jones, he complies.)

Anyway, thanks to Ajax and enjoy the list:

10. Cutthroat Island: A former guiness world record holder for money loss, it actually bankrupted Carolco, it's production company. I thought it was okay, but I don't imagine Geena Davis has it at the top of her resume.

9. Pirates of Penzance (1983): Because really rough and tough pirates also sing and dance.

8. The Pirate Movie: a.k.a. The Teen-Romantic-Comedy (with Keelhauling)

7. Yellowbeard: Monty Python meets Cheech and Chong to do a pirate film. Freaking insane.

6. Nate and Hayes: Another Tommy Lee Jones movie. Again, the piracy is technically implied: slave trading and gun running have to suffice. But there's fencing, gunplay, cannons, and a guy with a skull-and-femur pegleg which cinches it.

5. Under Seige: This is a bit of a stretch, but Tommy Lee Jones was wearing the traditional pirate bandana when he and his men took over the battleship.

4. The Goonies: Who didn't want to follow the map to One-Eyed-Willie's treasure with a bunch of kids from the wrong side of the tracks? Or adopt Sloth?

3. Peter Pan: including both animated and live-action versions, and Hook. Is it the prosthetic? Is it the alligator? Personally, I think it's a first-mate named Smee.

2. Treasure Island: Including the original, Treasure Planet, and Muppet Treasure Island. The charisma of of John Silver transcends interpretation.

1. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl: Duh. Singlehandedly revitalizing and electrifying a genre considered dead since Cutthroat Island. Now if Keith Richards could just stop falling out of trees long enough to cameo...

Honorable mentions to:

Dread Pirate Roberts: Princess Bride was by no means a pirate movie. But he had the title, and fenced. And chicks love the mask...

Dread Pirate Steve: Dodge Ball was about saving a gym, but Steve wore the clothes, talked the talk, carried a knife, and claimed to have buried treasure. Gar!

Jerry Seinfeld: Was unbelievably non-piratey, until he put on the puffy shirt. AND WAS TRANSFORMED!

[HYPERION'S NOTE: If you're interested, check out my reviews of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN; if only to prove that I can predict the future and you all should bow before me, and TREASURE PLANET, the most underrated Disney Movie in some time. ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pirates of the Ccaribbean is without a doudt the BEST pirate movie ever Jerry Birkhimer and Gore Verbriinski are very good film makers. Johnny Depp yet again did a fantastic job same with Geffory Rush. Orland Bloom was outstanding and Kiera Knightly was wonderful.The casting was great you could actually believe that the actors were there charaters. The stunts were also great. Alltogether i think that Pirates of the Caribbean was the best pirate movie of them all and i one of my favorite movies. I can not wait for the sequal to come out!!! :o)

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